The score is now 2-1*, with the Autobots still leading the Best of 5 Championship.
Ladies and Gentlemen.. we finally have a series.
As expected, close-out games proved to be the toughest game of any tournament. With their backs against the wall and their pride on the brink of extinction, its clear that the Decepticons will do everything in its power to win at least 1 game and hopefully secure the momentum in their favor.
This time, the Decepticons left nothing to chance, they assembled their complete/toughest squad, came to the venue early, and played brilliantyly as a team.
It took around 3 minutes even before the 1st goal was made, thats how tough the game was. The game was fast, hard, and rough. The Autobots had its chances, they scored the first goal had the opportunity to go up 2-nil when the Gentledog (GD) stole the puck from the opponent and to his surprise, faced a completely unopposed and wide open goal, but overflicked it! (Yes, I did.. sorry guys.) Causing the puck to fly over the rusty metal goal. Yes it did hit the goal.. its just that it hit the "TOP" part. A clear no goal. That shouldve brought the momentum into the Autobots favor.

Just like in the classic Hasbro cartoons, Team Autobots showed no fear against the Decepticons... and after game 3 last night, everybody now has an idea who that quote should refer to. No, the Decepticons didnt prohibit a single player from getting into the game, but upped the ante and prevented the ENTIRE TEAM from playing! With still plenty of time left and with the lead on their side, the Decepticons, also like in a cartoon series, deceptively forced Angel the lifeguard to stop the game by making him say that the clock has expired. Whats can a helpless, soft-spoken lifeguard do right? Especially when he's being screamed at by 10 adrenaline and testosterone filled hockey players.
Much to the Autobots dismay, that ended what could arguably be the most toughest and well fought match of the series. Talk about a spoiler. All along everyone has been clamoring for the fastest and toughest games possible for PUHC.. and here we are playing it.. and abruptly wasted it.
After the puck went outside for the nth time... and both teams now on their "equal puck" formations, instead of just going for the puck and letting a final goal decide whether game 3 will end on a tie or a clear Decepticon victory, the Decepticons instead loitered around and just pinned their hopes on their own personal "Angel". That is why for the author, that win by the Decepticons deserve an * mark placed right beside their at the standings. Yes, they got the win. For me, thats a win they cant proud of.. I surely wouldnt. (Correct me if I'm wrong kind sirs.. hehe). The 3 goals that they made against the Autobots were genuine goals.. no doubt about that. Those came from 3 different fantastic Decepticon team plays. The gentledog just isnt sure about the win. Yes, its ok to lose.. you win some you lose some. The gentledog is no sore loser (though i hate losing hehe), especially if you played against such a brilliant team. But that sucker punch leaves a sour taste in G.D.'s and the rest of the Autobots mouths. Hopefully, this will give the Autobots the extra swagger it needs to finish the Decepticons in game 4 once and for all.
Case in point, even after some of the Fast Game League'rs finished their shower, the rest of the players of the other game (mixed game) were still playing. So I guess there was really no time left. :) I rest my case.
Game 4 of the All Men's Fast League is on next thursday. Prepare for Battle!
welcome to the blogging world... sige sulat lang ng sulat... go puhc transformers!!!
yey the comments section is working already!
btw, that was me
-Jen :P
hehe thanks meyan! hopefully tumagal ako dito. hehehe..
oi jen.. hehe nainis ako diyan sa kainis na comments na yan buti lumabas. hehe
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