Hehe.. 3 hits in 1 week.
Now i know that I'm not superman. Hehe..
And they say underwater is supposed to be a non-contact sport? Thats a pile of bullcrap. hehe
I never back down from any challenge, sport, training or whatever, but last week. I finally decided to give my body some time to recharge and recuperate.
Why? Because last oct 23, thats a tuesday, A.R. gave me a very solid underwater taekwondo kick on my right rib. Funny thing was when I was asking for a sub, my team mates couldnt hear me because I couldnt speak. I wanted to but for some reason I had no voice. Probably came out along with all the air I had that time.
I still continued to play that night of course.. thinking that this is nothing serious anyway. It was painful but I just played through it.
Then the following hockey night, oct 25, thurs, I started to feel pain in my rib area. It wasnt THAT painful yet but it really stings everytime I go underwater. I couldnt bring my A-game (to my standards of course. hehe), because I couldnt breathe. It was too painful to take a deep breath so I had to make do with mini breaths before I go under water. Plus the pain was really starting to bother me.
The kick was incident #1.
#2 and 3 happened on the same freaking night. As if getting kicked on the ribs isnt painful enough, I got a huge concussion on my forehead because of a flick! Ferdie from the opposing team in my opinion was supposedly trying to swing the puck outside but decided to flick in back on the wall area because he saw a lot of defenders preparing for the swing. Me, on the other hand noticed what was happening and decided to go for the puck and attempt to ram it out of his hand. Unfortunately for me, he flicked it just when I was going down so the 3lbs puck hit my forehead really good. Good enough to give me a good ole' bukol. :)
It was all good though. He apologized for it immediately and I know for a fact that it was purely a hockey incident anyway. No big deal for the gentledog. Its my fault too also. As soon as I got hit, I immediately tried to feel if there was a gash, a cut, or whatever. Luckily for me, its just a concussion. A HUGE concussion :)
#3 was the final blow. As I was going up for air, I felt a painful solid thing scraping my back. And true enough, as I looked over to my left, I saw this loose underwater swimming pool lighting fixture! The damn thing was FLOATING. Its electrical wires was the only thing thats holding it.
It wasnt painful when I was playing.. I only knew the gravity of it when my hockey buds noticed this white skin on my back. Turns out my skin got scrapped really good. White meat anyone? :)
So there.. given the 3 injuries, I had no choice but to cancel my supposed mountain bike ride the following day. I wanted to, heck, I really wanted to ride my newly purchased mountain bike (more on that soon ;) that day.. But how can u bike when you couldnt breathe? How can you put on your helmet when you have a concussion the size of Alabama on your forehead? How can you wear your cycling jersey when u have this deep gash on your back? Band-aid wont be enough to cover it and prevent it from getting infected.
I also had to forego my scheduled bike ride that saturday and the 2 hour run the following day.

Good thing there's no hockey this weekend. Ill get the chance to finally rest it. I tried to play through it last tuesday and wednesday. It was still painful. It just sucks because just when I thought I finally got over my injury bug, this happened.
I'm on painkillers now. At one time the pain got so bad I decided to rush myself to the hospital. For fear that I have a fractured rib or whatever. Good thing the results were negative. Probably just a bruised rib. Hehe.. Just?
The hospital gave me an injection which was really good. The pain was gone in an instant. Its kinda addicting though since the meds they gave me was crap. Compared to the shot they gave, these puny tablets just cant get to job done. It was still painful.
I also tried riding my mtb (couldnt resist hehe) last monday. That was a tough one also. Since it hurts everytime I take a deep breath, every breath and pedal was painful.. the ride route, being a very steep uphill climb, didnt help either. I still finished the ride so thats all water under the bridge now.
Another setback.. it just means that ill have to stage another comeback :)
Cant wait to be 100% again. I'm tired of getting held back because of injuries.
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