Me and the rest of the Philippine Team from the Philippine Underwater Hockey Confederation (PUHC), will try to bring home THE GOLD at the 1st Asian Underwater Hockey Championships thats gonna be held in Singapore. We're gonna go against the Singapore and Japan national teams.We're leaving tonight so talk to y'all when we get back. Hopefully with a gold medal hanging on our necks.
Pray for us.
See yah!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Wish Us Luck =)
Posted by
12:42 PM
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
DUing It Westgrove Style!

Posted by
11:17 AM
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Shiro did it again! What a great year this has been.
Posted by
11:08 PM
Sunday, November 11, 2007
20+ Virgin =P
I finally did it!!! After 2 futile attempts of finishing a 20+ kilometer marathon, I finally got the 20+ marathon monkey off my back! I've done 20k runs at triathlons but that doesn’t really count because I walked off some parts of it. The pace is different too.
This is my 3rd try to finish a marathon event this long. I joined 2 previous 21k's before but unfortunately, I got lost on my first one (ended up just doing 15k) and wasn’t able to wake up on my 2nd attempt. Which was, honestly, a big blessing a disguise because I mistakenly packed my dad's identical but 1 inch shorter shoe in my gym bag. Had I been able to do that race, being my first 21k marathon, I would surely have a lot of dead toenails enough to run its own funeral service! Plus it could've been a very painful and uncomfortable run!
I'm really glad that I got de-virginized (20+kilometer marathon wise hehe) by the Extribe organized, New Balance 25k Power Race! Held at Clark in Pampanga, the race offered the runners a new and wonderful venue for marathons. Who says you can't do a race of this caliber outside manila? :)
As expected, with those guys in charge, the marathon went on as smooth as silk. The event was very organized, directional and distance signs were everywhere, the aid stations never ran out of water, plus they have portalets! And lets not forget the availability of the RFID Timing Chips to the 25k runners. Digital na tayo ire! He he..
The run was tough as hell, literally. IT WAS HOT! The race course even had its own version of the infamous HEARTBREAK HILLS of Extribe's Whiterock Half-Ironman. I wasn’t expecting to face those hills again this early.. at least not for a year. Hehe..
It could've been better if the race started a little earlier. Say around 6am like most local marathons but I'm sure they have their own reasons as to why they started it at 6:30am. Hey, at least I didn’t have to wake up that early. He he..
Prior to run, my target was just to finish the marathon and do it without walking. Being my first post-injury long distance run (here comes the excuses! hehe), I wasn’t really sure how my right knee and left ankle will react to the pounding. Good thing all the prayers, rest, and therapy paid off! I wasn’t able to train for this marathon at all but I'm glad that I was able to finish it well within my target time.
The contents of the goody bag that they give you at the finish line was hilarious! Hilarious in the sense that it fit the event to a T. Being a very tough marathon, who wouldn’t be glad to see the following after finishing the race?
1. Alaxan FR - Hahahaha.. Need I say more? Name says it all. ;)
2. Titan Tape Up's - Correct me if wrong but I think this is a new product. One read of the back panel tells you all you need to know why its included in the package. "Reduce fatigue, relaxes muscles and nerves". Hehehe.. After doing the Power Race, you'll definitely be needing this!
3. Alaxan GEL - I’m using this one right now! Hehe.. Didn’t know they already have Alaxan in GEL form.
4. Fitness First Face Towel - Wow sosyal :) Hehe.. San ka pa? :)
5. 2 Strips of Band-Aid - 25k Marathon + Wet Shoes + Soaked Socks = B-L-I-S-T-E-R-S. Can also be used also for yag-burns.. Hehehe.. For those wearing loose underwear and forgot to put on petroleum jelly.
6. Circulan Tablet - Nothing wrong having a good health supplement in hand after the race. ;)
Congratulations to all the finishers! Congrats to my fellow PUHC 25k marathon virgins and 10k first timers!
Kudos to the whole staff and crew of Extribe! You guys did it again! The staff and marshal’s were very efficient, from the check in area, to the aid stations, down to the guys at the finish line. Aprub!
See you guys at eXtri this december!!!
Posted by
8:51 PM
Thursday, November 1, 2007
A Year Older
Wow.. I'll be celebrating my 28th bday in a couple of hours...
Am I looking forward to it? Yep.. Marks another full year of existense.
A decade already since I started legally watching r18 movies.
I remember when I was still a kid I was really looking forward to that day.. Babaw ba? hehe. I looked forward to the day when the guard wont ask me anymore what my age is. Hehe.
Thank you Lord for very the wonderful year. Looking forward to another great year with YOU.
27 has been a very blessed age for me. And my previous ones also of course.
Thats why for 3 consecutive years already, everytime my folks would ask me what I would like as a gift, or if I'd throw a party, I'd simply say none and no.
And thats 100% sincere. Given what God has given me and my family, I have no right to ask for anything more. I just wanna continue thanking HIM for always blessing me and guiding me through everything that I do.
I'm happy. I'm content with my life.
My family is ok and intact.
And thats good enough for me. Anything that comes after that is just a bonus.
Thank you Lord for everything.
Posted by
6:43 PM
Non contact sport?

Posted by
5:30 PM