I've been wanting to write about my recent Whiterock Half-Ironman Triathlon experience but for some reason.. I just cant find a way to kick-start my writing mood.
Now its already been a week so I dunno if I should still write about it or not anymore... But what the heck right?
Sad to say, I bonked during the bike leg of the whiterock half-ironman. It was really disappointing because that is supposed to be my strongest department. I knew my run would be a disaster because I had no training for it. Even though my aim was just to finish the half-ironman, I was hoping that I could do my target time which is 2:40 or 2:45 max. I ended up doing 3:01. 1 minute slower compared my last years bike leg, though I didnt swim for 3k then.
Up to now I still cant figure out what happened. As far as I know I did everything right.. I slept early (been sleeping early that week already), ate good food, had loads of water and gatorade, and had enough powergels to nourish at least 3 triathletes!
I started strong at the bike.. my target average speed was 35kph. An average speed of 30kph would get you in the 3 hour zone (mine was 3:01). I was doing around 37kph average for the first 15-20kms or so when it hit me without warning. I felt a twitch on the bottom part of my legs! I didnt know what it was so I kept on pedalling. It kept on bothering me so I decided to just spin and take it easy.. hydrate and take my gels.. hoping that it would do the trick but I still wasnt able to get rid of it. Thats when I knew I was in trouble. Could it be this bonking thing that most athletes have been talking about? No.. It couldnt happen to me.. I had the training.. I prepared for it.. and most especially, not DURING THE RACE!
After that it became a struggle.. I couldnt even last pedalling continously without standing up my bike and stretch my legs. The cramps got worse and worse.. By the time I finished my bike leg.. my legs down to my feet were cramping really bad.
For the run part was a complete struggle, I was cramping the entire 21k distance.. not to mention that I was still nursing an injured ankle that time. Every step was really painful.. but still, I had to finish the race. No way on earth would I allow myself to get a DNF (did not finish).
But still.. I was damn proud of that race.. I am damn proud that I finished it. I am damn proud that I was able to cross the finish line even if I was already cramping really bad.
Prior to the race though, being the astrological, zodiac, or whatever you call it guy that I am.. I have this thing for numbers. On my last Duathlon event (Run, Bike, Run), I got really bothered when I got the #13 race number. And true enough, like what the number means, I got 2 flats. Effectively kicking me out of contention for the race. So after that, I've always been weary of my race numbers.
Lo' and behold.. when I arrived at the check in station of the whiterock event.. I knew I was in for a disaster when I got #66!!!! 66!!!! For crying out loud! Of all the numbers available why in the world did I get #66!!!! I tried to beg the registry people if I could have that changed... but of course, its not possible anymore. I dreaded every second after that.
I didnt get a flat this time around but my bike leg was still ruined by those stupid cramps. Oh well.. as much as I want to blame my 66 race number, there's no point crying over spilled milk. Plus, there's always Whiterock 2008.
Next year... I'll be even more ready. I'll train like crazy. At least having those struggles and let-downs gave me a chip on my shoulder. Something that should inspire me pretty good.
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